注意:美版Tekken 2的记忆卡1文件有问题,并不能工作,需要另外下修正的
TN-X v2 Mod: Qwikrazor releases unrestricted version of Total_Noob’s TN-X v2 eCFW! – Wait a minute… Unrestricted?!
A few days ago the TN-X eCFW for the PS Vita’s PSPemulator had been released, but people disliked one of its ‘features’: The enforced screenshot signature.
Total_Noob reacted and has released an update to his TN-X eCFW, which removes this ‘feature’. Screenshots are now without the digital watermark.
But what does all this fuzz have to do with qwikrazor? Well…
If you are an ordinary person that just enjoys using the released content (TN-V eCFW, TN-X eCFW, ARK-2 eCFW, VHBL, and so on), then you will never notice anything being wrong with the official TN-X eCFW files.
But if you are one of a selected few, then you will notice that your PS Vita will act weird upon using the official TN-X eCFW files.
As of now it begins with the device presenting you a simple, but permanent, red screen (instead of a short green screen followed by the TN-X menu), even though you have correctly transfered and set up all the required files.
But it won’t stop there. If you are a really special person, then you might notice that your PS Vita’s memory stick gains more and more free space, every time you are trying to use the TN-X eCFW.
What is the only way of a memory stick gaining more free space? Correct, the removal of files that take up said space.
What happens is pretty simple: The not working TN-X eCFW, due to you being on Total_Noob’s personal ‘$hit-list‘, is simply deleting files from your memory stick. Neat, isn’t it?
It is not known what other disgusting ‘hidden features‘ Total_Noob has hidden in his most recent releases, but if you are one of the very few people on his ‘personal list‘, then expect weird stuff to happen to your device (and its data).
In the end I do not want anyone to think worse of TN than they did before (well, maybe a little bit), because 99% of the users will never encounter these weird hidden features, since Total_Noob has added a smart way of detecting his ‘best friends from his buddy list‘.
Total_Noob’s creations are all well made, and it is no wonder that most people are using the TN-V & TN-X eCFWs, simply because they are darn awesome!
But on the other side, the person behind all these glorious creations might not be such a cool guy as you initially thought.
Back to qwikrazor: Qwikrazor took a few looks at Total_Noob’s most recent release of the TN-X eCFW (v2, the one that removes the screenshot watermark), has removed those malicious ‘hidden features‘ and also disabled the ‘blacklist’ that is inside of the official files.
If you happen to be one of the few people that are on ‘TN’s List‘, or if you just want to feel a bit safer, then you might want to download TN-X mod by Qwikrazor.
Source via Twitter.
TN-X mod
(7 votes)
(7 votes)
mod by Qwikrazor, which removes some of the "DRM" and limitations from TN-X
Find download links for TN-X mod below.
FW 3.20 TN-X v2 (mod) eCFW for PSOne exploit games | Download from zload.net (indirect link) |
FW 3.20 TN-X v2 (mod) eCFW for PSOne exploit games | Download from wololo.net (direct link) |