

 #404667  by frostvi3n 
 Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:33 am 
Ok guyz , i ve checked the forum and noticed that no one made this tut , so i guess ill try to make it as simple as it 
it will be time consuming and it is temporarry ( by temp i mean that if u do a rebuild database from safe mode its gone :D ) but it will worth it , so at first i ask u to gather some prerequise for this task , ill try to give u all of the details but if u have a problem in some of the steps just search or type here 
and please be patient with the steps , one wrong step :D and u dont kow where uve gone wrong :D 
and i ask of someone to make a video for it because in iran its hard to upload a video tut

A little down the road :
about the program , orginally this program has been developed by TheFlow , thanks for his hard work. but what does this program do is basically a PS1 engine built inside of the Vita , but without the setting options but with good and awsome speed and sound quailty. for ur orginal PS1 games , u notice there is more setting such as Screen size and memory swaping or disck swaping for this program we dont have it currently. many of u might say that why not tnv but i guess u already know that tnv in some of the PS1 games have glitchy sound. who plays a game with a sound muted :D? and u will have ure PS1 game customized and in the PSVITA LIVE AREA
now that u are interested lets make it happen :D

Prerequirment : 
1. Orginally bought PSone game from PSN and u have already transfferd it to your vita 
2. Valid mail account that u have set it up on ure vita ( dont forget the question mark trick ) 
3. These files 
CODE: SELECT ALLhttps://bitbucket.org/TheOfficialFloW/psoneloader/downloads

4. TNV must be already been installed , QCMA , and a sql browser such as sqlite that u can get from here 
CODE: SELECT ALLhttps://github.com/sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser/releases
PSP Filer also 
CODE: SELECT ALLhttp://wololo.net/downloads/index.php/download/7673
Rejuvinate must be working , and also Theflow VitaShell 0.5
5. PS VITA FIRMWARE 3.51 or lower , i guess its a little bit different on 3.52 [ wont work on vita with firmware higher than 3.52 ( for now ) ]
6. time , patient and focus
7. familiraties with PSVIta Hacks and stuff ( ill try to make it as simple as i can but just ask if any problem uve gone into ) 
8. Coffee or any soft drink

How to :
1. first make a backup of ure app db using the eml trick ( tut are on the site ) sent an email with mozilla thunderbird with the following 
CODE: SELECT ALLemail:send?attach=ur0:shell/db/app.db.
as link ( or if u use gmail just press ctrl + h )
2. after that download the dumped app db for later use ( and backup in case of anything going wrong )
3. transfer the DUMPER via PSP FTP or Vita FTP or install.zip method or anything that u get ure games and homebrew to ure vita :D
4. ok so we all know that PS1 games carry some kinda of headers which we are going to use are orginal PS1 game header with the one that we are going to swap to [ for example i have Parasite Eve but i want to use pepsi man and the psn dosnt have it or i legaly own it and thats why ]
5. for swaping the header we need to first dump our orginal PS1 header from vita so we open our beloved PSP Filer and we will navigate to our game directory in ms0:/PSP/GAME/GAMEID FOLDER and we copy the EBOOT.pbp File to our root of ms0:/
6. now exit ure PSP Filer and open DUMPER homebrew from TNV ( its in the pack that uve downloaded it before and also transfferd it in part 3 )
7. once there simply press the X button ( it will start to dump the basegame header from ms0:/ which is the game u legally paid for from PSN)
8. once done u will have a file named ms0:/BASE_HEADERS.BIN and now u need to move it to your PC , you can use vita FTP or u can simply use ure email app again to send this file like app.db using this command 

9. now download ur dumped base header to pc ( or transfer )
10. now we need to sign this game header with our custom EBOOT ( the ps1 game we want to have it in our live area instead of this one :D ) so we simply put our BASE_HEADERS.BIN with our custom eboot.pbp (the game we want ) all togather inside the folder where the signer.exe is located ( all of em are inside the links on the requirment ) and hold down left shift key on ure keyboard and right click on any empty space area and click the Open command window here 
11. now type the following command inside ure new CMD 
if it worked correctly u will notice there is a new file named as GAMEID.PBP ( or it can be anything that u named it ) this will make are orginal base header binded to our custom eboot , this PBP is only be able to be recognized by Vita and not PSP or TNV , it will simply not work with them 
12. now we need to move this and the core file to vita , just put PSVX00000 folder inside the QCMA PSAVEDATA directory and put ure newlly custom created GAMEID.PBP with it also ( inside the PSVX00000 dir along other files )
13. transfer it to ure vita now using QCMA , its inside playstation save data 
14. the next part is that u know ure custom game id which u can open the eboot.pbp with an hex editor and search for DISK_ID or search online or just search the game name inside psn and u can see it from the provided link such as this one 
CODE: SELECT ALLhttps://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/parasite-eve-ii-(psone-classic)/cid=UP9000-NPUJ01042_00-0000000000000001
NPUJ01042 is the game id 
15. now we need to make a directory on our vita in ms0:/PSP/GAME/DISC_ID ( DISK ID IS OUR CUSTOM GAME ID , IT IS THE GAME ID OF URE CUSTOM EBOOT.PBP ) but in 3.51 and 3.50 we have write access issue to GAME folder so we need to use Rejuvinate for it , we can use Theflow vitashell 0.5 ( but on lower firmware we are free to pspfiler or vita ftp simply 
16. now copy paste custom EBOOT.PBP from PSAVEdata to ms0:/PSP/GAME/DISC_ID 
17. now drink the coffee or any soft drink that u have ( it is in the requirment list :D )
18. now go visit this page on your PC 
CODE: SELECT ALLhttps://jsfiddle.net/szczuru/spync74p/embedded/result/
or BUBBLE CREATOR Website :D and fill the form , but there is something about the hint button and setting game id filed that i will tell u just a little down the road :D 
19.Bubble name : is the name of the game 
20. our custom titile id is our custom game DISK_ID which we got it before and used it 
21. setting game id can be the base game or ure orginal PS1 game not the custom one , if u want to use that game setting , game setting carrys stuff such as screen size or anything else so basically we can use the game own setting or our orginal game for better compatibiltty 
22. custom buble icon , u can simply put this line 
CODE: SELECT ALLvs0:app/NPXS10031/sce_sys/icon0.png
which is the pkg installer icon :D or u can use anyother icon inside the vita directory but IM WARNING U , if anything goes wrong :D u have to do the whole stuff again or u might be needing a system restore database which any of these means that u have to reupload the app.db again ( to how to upload , i will tell u later )
23. Position at the last screen , now guys this is really important , just press on hint and u can see the vita live screen area with numbers , now pick up u re vita and navigate to ure last live area page , just swipe down till u are ther e, now compare ure vita live area to the pic and pic the number that is free on ure vita live area , and type it in POSITION ON LAST SCREEN
24. now finally press generate , and u will see lots of code down there , copy all of the code , all of it , bit by bit
just right click , and select all , and press copy 
25. i know u are tired but just a little more , perhaps drink ure soft drink a little D:
26. start ure sqlite browser ( provided in requirment ) and press open , and point it to your dumped app.db ( we dumped it at first , backup thing )
27.Navigate to execute sql tab (4th tab )and right click press the paste ( we copied our generated data from site )
28. now hit the blue play button ( BLUE PLAY BUTTON , 4th icon ) and then press write changes. ( it will save it to app.db where u pointed it , i suggest u make a backup from the orginal file )
29.now its time to send it to vita :D via eml trick , but first rename the app.db file to '#0' without any filetype 
30.now write a new email to your email that is on ure vita , but with this subject 
CODE: SELECT ALLur0:shell/db/app.db
and attach the '#0' file ( our customized app.db ) and press the send button. 
31. now check mail on vita , and open ure email , and if uve done everything correct :D u will see the attachment as a camera icon ( if u see a question mark , please refer on how to fix question mark on eml trick vita ) touch the camera icon and an error will pop up as CANNOT DISPLAY THE IMAGE , DO NOT PRESS THE OK BUTTON , DO NOT , but simply press the SOny logo key on ure vita , and close the email app via swiping it.
32. now and now :D restart ure vita , simply restart it :D 

now u can find ure game with a package installer look on ure vita :D congratulation to following this long tut and doing this long stuff vita fans :D 

Thanks for everyone for doing this stuff possible for us , such as the Flow , MRgas , and Major tom and yourself and anyone else inside vita community , specially wololo and other websites such as hackinformer. 
i personally thanks my friend http://wololo.net/talk/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=44808HarmfulMashroom 
Thanks everyone.

