Tutorial: PS Vita Custom Bubbles for System Softwares 3.5x!
It took me pretty much the whole evening, but after some software crashes, recording fails and other problems, I’ve finally finished a thorough video tutorial for the EML-writer Custom Bubbles.
It is a bit chaotic, and based on Kanade Engel’s Tutorial, but in the end it should do the job. Enjoy!
So far this is only a video tutorial, but if you demand a text tutorial as well, I will take care of one as well (tomorrow, though). Nonetheless, I am going to include what you will need for this.
NotePad++ – A superior editor for text files and others.
Thunderbird – A powerful programm to manage your emails.
PBPUnpacker – The best utility to unpack PBP files.
SQLiteBrowser – This will allow us to edit our database.
QCMA – A custom-made CMA by Codestation. Superior to the default CMA.
PKG Viewer – A Packages utility tool.
Paint.net (optional) – A powerful image editor that supports the DDS-Format.
Custom Bubble Setup files & Writer.eml – Necessary for the Custom Bubbles.
Maybe Winrar, WinZip, 7-Zip or similar ones.
Of course you will need a PS Vita running Firmware 3.52 (or below), an email address and a random PSP game as base game. This base game can be nearly ANY game for the Playstation Portable.
If you happen to have a problem, feel free to comment below and I will try to help you. Please be sure to check out the video at first, it may answer your question.